Major ICC Cricket Rules and Regulations

Major ICC Cricket Rules and Regulations

Major ICC Cricket Rules and Regulations

The International Cricket Council is cricket’s governing body worldwide and is responsible for all the ICC rules and regulations. It was founded as the Imperial Cricket Conference in 1990 by representatives from Australia, England, and South Africa. It was renamed the International Cricket Conference in 1965 and took its current name in 1989.

It organizes world championship events such as the Cricket World Cup, the Women’s Cricket World Cup, the ICC T20 World Cup, the ICC T20 Women’s World Cup, and the Under-19 Cricket World Cup Trophy. ICC Cricket regulations are defined and governed by this body called the International Cricket Council.

The ICC has 104 members: 12 full members participating in test matches and 92 associate members. The new ICC rules of Cricket Bowling decided by the International Cricket Council are mentioned below.


1) Fair and Unfair Game:

It is exclusively the responsibility of the captains to ensure that the game takes place in a spirit of equality and honesty full of enthusiasm and considerations of the game, as described in the document the preamble – The spirit of cricket, as well as in the ICC Laws and Regulations.

It is also the primary responsibility of the referees. Referees are the lone judges of the fair and unjust game. If one of the arbitrators believes that an action not governed by law is unfair, he must intervene without appeal and, if the ball is in play, call and report the dead ball and implement the procedure described below.18 Otherwise, referees must not interfere with the progress of the game, except to the extent required by law.


2) Match ball changes state:

It is unfair that anyone rubbing the ball with the ground for any reason interferes with the seams or surface of the ball, uses any tool, or takes any other action that could alter the condition of the ball. The referee must conduct frequent and regular inspections of the ball.


3) Deliberate attempt to distract the attacker:

It is unfair that any member of the team on the pitch deliberately tries to distract the attacker while he is preparing to deliver. If one of the arbitrators considers that an action by a member of the group on the ground constitutes such an attempt, he must do so in the first place. If a member of the field group deliberately attempts to attempt such an endeavor, procedures, other than a warning, must be taken immediately.


4) Distraction or deliberate obstruction of the batsman:

In addition to the previous point, it is unfair to any member of the opposing team, verbally or through action, to deliberately want to distract or obstruct the batsman once the striker has received the ball. It is up to either arbitrator to decide whether a distraction or obstruction is voluntary or not. No batsmen set sway will be excluded from this delivery.

The referee at the end of the bowler must inform the captain on the side of the display of the reason for this action and as soon as possible, the captain on the batting side. The does not count as one of the most.

Dangerous and unfair bowling there are two perilous bowling conditions, they are:

  • Bowling of short and fastballs.
  • Bowling of high balls.


5) Dangerous and unfair action at the bowling by the referee:

As soon as the bowler’s end referee decides, under ICC rules and regulations, that fastball bowling and short balls have become dangerous and unfair, there is an example of dangerous and unfair bowling under the ICC rules & regulations in force for cricket. He should if no signal. Or no-ball and, when the ball is dead, notify the bowler, inform the owner’s referee, the camp captain, and the batsman of what happened. This warning will continue to apply throughout the innings.

If there is another case of dangerous and unfair bowling by the same bowler in the same innings, the referee at the end of the bowler must repeat the above process and inform the bowler to notify the finish. The high warning and final warning will continue to apply even if the launcher may change points later.


6) Deliberate refereeing of full-height balls:

If the referee believes that a high full throw, deemed dangerous and unfair, was deliberately played in the skittles, the referee must signal the high ball.


7) Call and report No ball.

According to ICC rules  Ask the captain, when the ball is dead, to immediately remove the keel.


8) Time lost by teams on the field:

According to ICC Rules and Regulations, It is unfair for a member of the group team on the ground to waste time.


9) Batsmen wasting time:

It is unfair for a batsman to waste time. Under normal circumstances, the attacker when the bowler is ready to enter the game.


10) Damage the ground:

It is the responsibility of all players to avoid unnecessary damage to the field. It is unfair for a player to cause deliberate damage to the field. An area of the land called a “protected area” is defined as the area contained in a rectangle bounded at each end by imaginary lines parallel to the hollow folds and 1.52 m forward and on the sides by imaginary lines, one on each side of the line e imaginary by joining the centers of the two middle strains, each parallel and 30.48 cm (1 ft).


11) Bowler running over the protected area after delivering the ball:

If the bowler, after handing the ball over, runs on the protected surface defined in paragraph 11 (b) above, the referee must first and when the ball is dead. If the same bowler returns to the protected area after handing the ball over, the referee must repeat the above process, indicating that it is a final warning. If during these rounds, the same player plays a third time in the protected area after the ball is delivered, when the ball is dead, the referee must allow quick action to be taken.


12) Fielder damaging the ground:

If a defensive player causes avoidable damage to the pitch, the referee should not do so in the first instance, when the ball is dead is not allowed. If there is still avoidable damage to the pitch by a defensive player during these innings, the referee must proceed when the ball is dead.


13) Bowler trying to get out the non-attacker before delivery:

It is allowed, before entering his delivery pace, to try to get out the non-attacker. The ball won’t count in the backhand. The referee must call and report the dead ball as soon as possible if the bowler fails in his attempt to remove the non-attacker.


14) Batsmen damaging the pitch:

The bowler is allowed, before entering in his quick stride, to try to get out the non-attacker. The ball won’t count in the backhand. The referee must call and report the dead ball as soon as possible if the keel falls to remove the non-attacker.


15) Batsmen stealing a run:

It is unfair for batsmen to try to take a run during the bowler’s run. Unless the bowler attempts to run out, the batsman see-15 above and 24.4 (throw ingesting the bowler towards the end of the attacker before delivery) – the referee must, Call and report the dead ball as soon as the batsman has crossed for such an attempt. Bring the batsmen back to their original ends.

Inform the other referee, the batsmen, the captain of the next side, and, as soon as possible and as much as possible, the captain on the batting side of the motive for the action undertaken. Report the event, along with the other referee, as soon as possible to the stick executive and any governing body responsible for the match, which will take appropriate action against the captain and the player or players in question.


16) The penalty runs:

When penalties are awarded to either side: – when the ball is dead, the referee must report the penalty points to the goals scored in Law 3.14 (Signals). Notwithstanding the provisions of Law 21.6 (winning blow or extras), penalty runs are granted in cases where the laws require the reward. Note, however, that restrictions on the allocation of in-laws 26.3 (leg withdrawals are not allowed), 34.4 (d) (authorized ball blows struck legally more than once), and Act 41.4 (unassigned penalty points) will apply.



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